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Massage: What is it? Benefits and risks.


Massa means in latin "that which forms a lump". Therefore, is consider the technique for removing the lumpiness of the body, making smooth. It is the rubbing and the kneading of muscles and joints of the body with the hands, especially to relieve tension or pain and ease tiredness.

A combination of various movements used to manipulate tissues in a deeper and superficial level of the skin, muscles and skeletal for promote local and overall effects and benefits.

Massage is considered part of complementary and alternative medicine. It has increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for many medical conditions and/or just for relaxation, a feel-good way to indulge or pamper yourself. Either way, It is a powerful tool to help you take charge of your health and wellbeing whether you have a health condition or are just looking for another stress reliever.

As a holistic treatment, massage tries to treat a person as a whole; body, mind and spirit not only symptom or condition.


Massage works in the whole body system or in parts of it promoting suppleness of the muscles, improving the circulation and reducing stress.

It soothes anxiety and depression, improves the circulation, prevents spasm and stiffness, speeds up skin desquamation, promotes cell regeneration, improves sleep and reduces insomnia, It helps the immunity system, it relieves headache, helps myofascial pain syndrome, soft tissues strains, sports injuries, aids digestion, spreads lactic acid that builds up in muscles due to exercises, waste removal and neural communication invigorates. It has a psychological and physiological benefits as touching is natural and comforting. People use touching to gain security and sense of well - being.

Massage is also safe, as is a non - threatening, non - invasive and natural therapy. Can be delivery for most people, from children to adults, can benefit from massage treatments.


Massage sometimes can be contra-indicated (not appropriate) if you have:

- Contagious skin diseases

- cardiovascular condition (heart condition)

- Bleeding disorders or take blood thinning medication

- Burns or healing wounds

- Deep vein thrombosis

- Severe osteoporosis

- Severe thrombocytopenia

Your therapist will assess you before the treatment and make sure massage is a good treatment for you.

If you are pregnant have cancer or unexplained pain, discuss with your doctor the pros and cons before take a massage.

Some kinds of massage can leave you a little bit sore the next day but, generally massage shouldn't be painful or uncomfortable. Most serious problems come from too much pressure during a massage - speak to your therapist if it is painful or doesn't feel right.

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